Friday, October 28, 2011

Susan Bordo Article

JONASON, P. K., KRCMAR, M., & SOHN, S. (2009). MALE BODY IMAGE: THE ROLE OF MUSCLE MAGAZINE EXPOSURE, BODY MASS INDEX, AND SOCIAL COMPARISON IN MEN'S BODY SATISFACTION. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 37(5), 627-629. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

This source could be used to support Susan Bordo's argument in "Beauty Re-discovers the Male Body" because it gives readers an idea of how men view their body. And if we , as the readers/viewers (specifically women) , have an idea of how men view their bodies, that could explain why men haven't shown off their bodies in the fashion/advertising as long as women have. Bordo explains in her article that "men and women are socially sanctioned to deal with the gaze of the Other in different ways" (Bordo 192). According to the article, men and women do have different reasons for showing off their bodies; women show off their body if they like the way it looks and men show themselves off if they have a lower BMI. If she used this article I looked up, she could explain that men are more likely to show off their bodies if they have lower BMI's, not just of how their bodies look. Since BMI ranges affect men's overall outlook of their bodies, Bordo could use this to support her claim that "men are not supposed to enjoy being surveyed period" and if they are unhappy with their BMI range, this could explain why.

1 comment:

  1. Katie,

    Can't remember if you are working in the health profession or not, but I like how you got an article that was from a different perspective than just the "cultural"/philosophical ones that Bordo tends to use.
