Sunday, September 11, 2011

Reality TV Shows

I have to admit, I really enjoy watching reality TV programs. I'm kind of embarassed to admit my love for reality TV because I think it has lost it's original focus: which is to film interesting people (or whoever the media thinks we give a crap about) to show us, the America people, what their life is actually like. Over the past decade, these television programs have become the most popular shows on air. Even though I throughly enjoy Keeping up with the Kardasians and Real Housewives, these shows are in no way, shape or form "reality" TV.  These two shows, and most of the other reality shows on air, are staged and scripted. Back when reality shows were first introduced, yeah, I believe they were real depictions of people's lives, but now they are the furtherest thing from reality. Ok I guess some scenes filmed are actually real life, but a majority of the scenes are not real. For example, on the latest episode of Keeping up with the Kardasians, Kris Humphries proposed to Kim. But the proposal aired on the show wasn't the actual proposal, Kim's mother, who's also named Kris, weird I know, signed a contract saying that their "reality" show could now be scripted.  So, in other words, they staged a proposal of Kris asking Kim to marry him after he already proposed to her. I think that's just strange. Honestly, when stations script their reality shows, the programs lose their original charm and appeal. I've always believed that real life stories and events are more interesting than made up ones, hence the attractiveness of reality TV.  Just an FYI to the E network, when you write a script for a TV show, it's called a sitcom or a drama, not a reality show.

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